Full Professed Members - Black Veils
Sister Gloria Snockers (Founder) Pronouns: Be nice, I'll answer
Sister Gloria Snockers (Founder)
Hello dears! Founder of the Chiffon Borg here, I realised that being grumpy makes Miss God put lines on your face. I was visited by Saint Kylie who told me to "go forth and spread some fuckin joy, ya miserable twat" (she's not very polite in real life). So I did!
Brother Huw Jorgan (Co-Founder)Pronouns: He/HimI was hoodwAnked into the Order, they made me do terrible things, and then I realised how much I love those things. So I took my vows as my dignity had already buggered off and the rest is all sistory. I'm the quiet one, the false-lashed eye of the storm. I can blow smoke up my own arse about how saintly I am, but I'd much rather you did that.Huw's social media: Facebook - Instagram - Twitter
I was hoodwAnked into the Order, they made me do terrible things, and then I realised how much I love those things. So I took my vows as my dignity had already buggered off and the rest is all sistory. I'm the quiet one, the false-lashed eye of the storm. I can blow smoke up my own arse about how saintly I am, but I'd much rather you did that.
Huw's social media: Facebook - Instagram - Twitter Sister Linda Hand here, handy if you’re nasty!
The corset creature of the order that will always find another tone of black to wear. I’m often told smiling isn’t a strong point of mine but that’s normally because the nick nacks glued to my face are doing a runner. I’m nice I swear! If you want someone to chat with you’ll either find me at the bar or around the back - come by and see me some time 🖤
Pronouns: She/HerI'm the daughter of Gloria. I’m not very good at blowing my own horn, but if you want yours blown then I’m your gal. And by that I mean I’ve got a kind word for everyone (stop tittering at the back!) I joined the order to celebrate queerness and to remind you just how special you are. I also like lipstick 💋
Novices - White Veil
Pronouns: She/Her
I'm short, spooky, sometimes goofy. Look fierce while serving the community. Put change in the bucket if you like what you see. Need protection for you hookup? Come see me. Cause we like to indulge perpetually with those who seek (consent is sexy). So reject the prejudiced one that be. Lets ditch the stigma and be free.
Novice Brother Steffan WoolfPronouns: He/Him
Greetings & salutations I'm a Queer nerd with a dark streak, creative Goth with a patchwork heart of many colours. Riding the wheels of Steel for social occasions since 2015. Can also be found using crutches for company as I'm a fully paid-up member of the UK Disability community - which also handily explains why I avoid alcohol, so please don't be offended if I refuse all kind offers of booze. I'm also happy to natter with the gathered faithful en Français or even yn y Gymraeg, making me one of the cunning linguists of the Order.
Here comes Honey! I'm syrupy sweet, occasionally sticky and universally loved by mothers. My favourite things include hearing people talk passionately about the things they love, carbohydrates and being an anime trash degenerate.A spoonful of sugar helps kick prejudice to the curb where it belongs. 💗
Here comes Honey! I'm syrupy sweet, occasionally sticky and universally loved by mothers.
My favourite things include hearing people talk passionately about the things they love, carbohydrates and being an anime trash degenerate.
A spoonful of sugar helps kick prejudice to the curb where it belongs. 💗
Knight Sir Arthur Anybiscuitsleft Pronouns:

Squire Barney Rubber
Pronouns: He/Him
Equerry Mystic